Worship Servers


All adults or youth age 5 and up are welcome to participate as an acolyte. Acolytes assist in worship by carrying a processional cross, lighting candles, holding the Gospel book, carrying candles or “torches”, assisting deacons or priests as they prepare and clean the altar, handing the offering plates to the ushers, and many other tasks as seen fit by the priest. Training is available to teach you how to carry out your role as an acolyte. Perfection is never necessary and mistakes are never frowned upon!

Adult Choir

Anyone desiring to “make a joyful noise unto the Lord” is welcome to join the adult choir at Christ Church. 

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild welcomes both men and women who are called to the ministry of preparing the church for worship whether it be a Sunday service, a Wednesday Eucharist, a baptism, a wedding or a funeral. Members of the guild change the colors in the church according to the service or the liturgical season, prepare the altar for communion, maintain the vessels, linens, candles and other objects used for worship and prepare the church for significant times in the church. 

Eucharistic Ministers

Although the name may be a tongue twister, this role is an important part of our life together at Christ Episcopal Church. Eucharistic Ministers assist the clergy by serving as a chalice bearer or assisting with the distribution of the bread. 


Lectors, who are also called readers, lead worship by conducting the prayers of the people and by reading the lessons on Sundays and special holy days.  


The primary responsibility of the usher is greeting worshipers and extending the ministry of hospitality on behalf of the parish family. Ushers help participants find seats, distribute programs, pass the offering plates and guide communicants to the altar for receiving Holy Communion. They also stand ready to assist anyone in church who may have special needs.

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